Security solutions for transport sector companies

Infynia your ideal partner

The transportation industry is a very important economic driver in both Quebec and Canada.
Infynia has been working on security issues in this industry for many years and, through its experience, has developed a specific service offer for this industry.

A cost-effective virtual secure transport solution

Virtual convoy technology

In partnership with a major Canadian company, Infynia has developed a virtual secure transportation solution to ensure the security of transported goods. Our innovative solution allows companies to significantly reduce their operating costs by eliminating the need for a much more expensive physical patrol service.From our Operations Center, we closely monitor the goods to be transported using video surveillance and GPS systems installed on the transport equipment by our professionals

The key benefits of virtual secure transport:

  • Real-time video of the perimeter, trailer interior and driver;
  • Driver assistance throughout the journey;
  • Comprehensive and real-time visibility on goods in transit;
  • Protection against tampering;
  • Alert when goods arrive at their destination;
  • Alert if the route is changed;
  • Alert when the container is opened.

Automated and secure transport yard entry and exit management

Video surveillance center

Infynia offers an automated entry/exit management solution through its video surveillance center. This solution provides significant cost savings for companies by eliminating the need for someone to be present in transport yards at all times to ensure compliance with arrivals and departures.

Remote site security

Infynia deploys an on-site surveillance system that will allow our video surveillance center to ensure your site’s security. In the event of an intrusion, an alarm is sent to the central office and a series of procedures are triggered in order to stop the intrusion. Once again, this solution allows transportation companies to make significant savings, since this solution costs much less than hiring security guards.

Would you like to know how Infynia can help improve your transport company security?

If you would like more information about cost-effective security solutions for your transport company, please contact us today. Our team will happily recommend the services that best meet your needs.